Knowledge alone is not enough for success in life and in business

Stephane Lagrange
2 min readFeb 26, 2016

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
— J.W. Van Goethe

It’s all out there! From timeless lessons on how to live and be successful that have been around for millenniums, to thoroughly documented sales, marketing & management practices supported by at least three generations of business pundits to be the best at starting, running, and working in organizations.

You’ve probably read the books, listened to the podcasts, went to the conferences, or watched the shows. You’ve been inspired, impressed, energized, and even mesmerized.

But did all of this have a lasting impact you and on your life? Were you able to convert the enlightenment of knowledge into the lasting change and outcome you were hoping for?

Where you motivated enough to go beyond the endorphin rush coming from a pep talk, and took action on the insights, over and over again, until you had reached the outcome you were going for? Or did the enthusiasm eventually die down and became a distant memory of a wishful future?

Where you impressed by the role model who inspired you and decided to consciously and sustainability emulate that person’s life and behaviors? Or was your ego crushed and you eventually walked away thinking that you could never be that successful person, and that it was easy or even innate for them to be that good, inspiring, or world class, but unattainable for you?

All the knowledge is out there. It’s even not that much information when you eventually break it down to a list of daily actions and behaviors to live by. The knowledge is not the key to the success you’re looking for, however you define success (personal, professional, athletic, in your community, in your family, as a partner, a spouse, a parent, etc.).

The key to unlocking the tremendous power of all this knowledge is taking action on it. However small that first step is, it’s that first step that matters, and the next one, and the one after that one, etc… Until you can walk the talk without thinking about it.

Knowledge and best practices are invaluable, but only when they’re actually executed upon.

If growth and self-improvement is what you’re looking for, there is no shortcut to success. Your fundamental mantra should be “Just do it!” (already).

Quit making excuses, putting it off, complaining about it, dreaming about it, whining about it, crying about it, believing you can’t, worrying if you can, waiting until you are older, skinnier, richer, braver, or all around better. Suck it up, hold on tight, say a prayer, make a plan & JUST DO IT.” — Nike
— Nike



Stephane Lagrange

Entrepreneur & Management Consultant (20 years of exp). Bent on finding a cure for my son Max's type 1 diabetes. Espresso snob.